It is difficult to adequately express our appreciation for the assistance provided us by Canadian Religious Stewardship (CRS). We had a working relationship with CRS through Joanne Yelle-Weatherall, CEO, who was ‘hands-on’ and with her team was very present when we experienced a critical need for assistance.
The support and expertise of CRS in the areas of finance, legal issues, operations and administration has been invaluable to us as we bring our community to completion. This is a service deeply needed at this time in the history of religious communities. Kudos and thanks to CRS for their vision, their expertise and their leadership in this critical area.
Since 2018 our Leadership Team Members have deeply appreciated the services of Canadian Religious Stewardship (CRS) which have assisted our decision-making as we live into our new reality.
One of our members mentioned that, “As I get to know and understand more fully the scope of CRS, I grow in my appreciation for the warmth and expertise I have experienced in working with Joanne, although our Executive Director has also called on the help of other staff members”.
Hence the generosity, creativity and guidance offered by CRS has awakened us to the need for a Board of Directors (lay Members and Community Members), the hire of an Executive Director, the on-going education of our Members and staff as to the services offered by CRS.
In a very concrete fashion, job descriptions, salary grids as well as advice and reflection on our Ministry in the Dominican Republic have been very helpful.
As CRS continues to evolve, our Canadian Religious Communities of Women and Men will be greatly supported and serviced as we move toward historical completion.

At Canadian Religious Stewardship our success is built on our collaborative relationships founded in trust, respect, and commitment.
#124-61 Fairfax Crescent
Toronto, Ontario, M1L 1Z7